The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Abbey CE Academy

Abbey CE Academy offers a high quality primary education to children aged 7-11 years with two classes in each year group.

Together, anything is possible
"Everything is possible for one who believes"

Mark 9:23

Principal's Welcome

Welcome to Abbey CE Academy.  On behalf of our pupils, staff, governors and Trust, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you and thank you for visiting our website and learning more about our school.

At the Abbey, our vision is ‘Together anything is possible’ and we really are a team.  Highly skilled and dedicated staff, work alongside our enthusiastic and well-behaved pupils to achieve their full potential developing resilience and a love of learning. Learning is at the heart of all that we do and we encourage and enable the children to be anything they want to be in a happy, caring, safe and stimulating environment.

Our knowledge rich curriculum gives pupils the opportunity to explore a range of subjects through quality first teaching, enrichment opportunities, visitors to school and educational visits.  We have high expectations of our children both in and out of lessons which is reflected in the pride the children take in their work and appearance and also by their behaviour.

As a Church of England Academy, within the Peterborough Diocese, we are proud to have strong links with The Holy Cross Church, Reverend Dawn and the local community.  Our strong Christian ethos and values enable us to promote the spiritual, moral and cultural development of our pupils in an inclusive and invitational way which welcomes and values pupils of all faiths.

Being part of the David Ross Education Trust means that our pupils have access to a range of enrichment and sporting opportunities and resources that many schools outside the Trust are unable to offer.  These learning experiences aim to motivate and encourage young people to develop their passions and discover their talents.

Parental involvement and support is also key to children’s educational journey and learning development.  As well as providing academic excellence, building a strong sense of community will ensure that the children leave the school as well-rounded individuals and valuable members of society.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or to arrange a visit and we look forwards to welcoming you to our fabulous school soon.

Deborah Godfrey