The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Abbey CE Academy

Abbey CE Academy offers a high quality primary education to children aged 7-11 years with two classes in each year group.

Together, anything is possible
"Everything is possible for one who believes"

Mark 9:23

Contact Us


Telephone: 01327 702433
Supplier invoices: to avoid delays please send invoices to and quote the purchase order number on your invoice. For further information please visit

Enquiries: Annette Harris
Principal/DSL:  Deborah Godfrey -
Chair of Governors: Sol Johnson
SENCO/LAC Designated Teacher: Julianna Hall -

Office Opening Hours: 8.30am - 4.30pm Monday to Friday  

Concerns or complaints: In the first instance a concern should be raised with either the class teacher or principal. If the issue remains unresolved, the next step is to make a formal complaint. A formal complaint should be sent in writing to the principal or can be submitted by email to or through this form. Complainants should not approach individual academy governors to raise concerns or complaints. They have no power to act on an individual basis and it may also prevent them from considering a complaint at stage 3 of the procedure. 


The Abbey CE Academy
Vicar Lane
NN11 4GD


Data Protection

All Freedom of Information Requests and all Subject Access Requests should be sent to our central team, please direct these to Where possible please give as much detail as possible stating the school concerned and information regarding the request

Supplier Invoices

Supplier invoices:  to avoid delays please send invoices to and quote the purchase order number on your invoice.  For further information please visit