The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Abbey CE Academy

Abbey CE Academy offers a high quality primary education to children aged 7-11 years with two classes in each year group.

Together, anything is possible
"Everything is possible for one who believes"

Mark 9:23


Deciding which school you would prefer is one of the most important decisions parents and children have to make.

We know it is not an easy decision, and below we have some support to follow about who can apply to our school.

It is important to have all of the information available to enable you, with your child, to take a considered view of the school you would prefer them to attend.

Places are allocated through West Northamptonshire County Council. For more details or to apply for a place please click here.

Please see our admissions policy to find out more.


How In Year Applications Will Be Dealt With 


How To Apply For A School Place Outside The Normal Transfer Times


You are required to fill out an appeals form, details of which can be found on the West Northants County Council website. 

Appeal a school place | West Northamptonshire Council (


Oversubscription Criteria

If there are more applications than places available, the oversubscription admission criteria listed below will be applied in the following order:

  • Looked after children and previously looked after children
  • Children who live in the linked area of Dodford and Norton
  • Children with a sibling on roll at the time of application. Siblings include a brother or sister who share the same parents; a half-brother; half-sister or legally adopted child living at the same address; a child looked after by local authority placed in a foster family with other school aged children; a stepchild or children who are not related but live as a family unit, where parents both live at the same address as the child.
  • Children joining from the linked Infant School (St. James Infant School)
  • Children who live closer to this school than any other school
  • Other Children


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